Preposition is a word that connects the noun or pronoun with other noun or pronoun .For example; on,in,of,under etc. Preposition is infact considered to be a backbone of a sentences.
As winston chirrchill said,'' Preposition are those afraid things without which a sentence does not end.''Preposition are considered as the basic component of a sentence.Without any preposition the sentence does not complete and we do not understand the exact meaning of that sentence and may considered to be wrong. Because we can skip its main component. Preposition is almost used in every sentence . Every one knew about it. For example;
- A cat is under the table.
- She us sitting beside him.
- Do not spit on the floor.
In these sentences ''under, beside, on'' are prepositions, suppose if we skip these words from the sentences the meaning of the sentence is totally changed and it may considered to be wrong.
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